"It's not that I'm afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens." - Woody Allen
When I was trying to think of film makers that typically feature themselves, Woody Allen was my immediate first thought... then I drew a blank.
"a little help from my friends..."
I'd like to hear from you about other film makers that shoot themselves...
clint eastwood , covers a lot of bases .you might be surprised at the number of films he's both directed and starred in
It has long been a technique used by directors to get out there....
Hitchcock, Charlie Chaplin, Spike Lee, M. Night Shyamalan, Quentin Tarantino... all directors who feature themselves. Hitchcock's self promotion was so problematic later in his career that he had to insert himself earlier and earlier in his films to prevent people from being distracted from the plot of the movie.
Thanks Steven (aka possum).
Exactly a few of the names I was looking for. How could I forget about Spike Lee? Interesting about the Hitchcock info too. Thanks!
orson welles, scorsese (in taxi driver at least), david lynch, kevin smith, now i'm drawing a blank.
of all the directors mentioned, i think the only director who films himself the way woody allen does/did is quentin tarantino (though not to the extent that woody does it). the rest of them play other characters (and they do it well) while woody repeatedly appears to act out his own neuroses. i could be wrong about that though. i don't personally know woody, but i have seen and enjoyed many of his films. he could be totally different in person.
@ Jim Turbert: I agree, I don't think I know of anyone who portrays themselves in film the way Woody Allen does/did.
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