Over 500 people in fact. Three photographers setup an outdoor studio and invited any and all villagers of Handsworth, a suburb of Birmingham, England (1973) to photograph themselves using a motor-driven 35 mm camera, fixed to a tripod, which was operated by means of a long cable release. I absolutely love the concept and resulting images. Unfortunately I cannot locate much, if any information online about it, but would buy the book (if there were one) in a heartbeat!
a few more of my favorites...
(all images © Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery)
Actually 1979, and Handsworth is inner city - although parts of it do feel like a village.
thanks anonymous and do tell if you have more info that you are hiding. I did find it odd that I read "suburb" looking at the cultural diversity in the photos that I was able to find (I hope that doesn't sound prejudice).
The only info I found was on the Birmingham Museum site and it was very minimal.
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