So today I get an email full of these absolutely mindblowing images by Artist Liu Bolin from a friend. He does this unbelievable combination of painting, photography and urban camouflage that is simply incredible. It's hard to believe it is real.

Upon further investigation I notice an article somewhere about this Dutch Artist Desiree Palmen that does/did the EXACT same thing. I understand there are influences in everyone's work and nothing is 100% original these days (it's impossible), but this just seems like a total ripoff. Granted, I think Liu Bolin has absolutely mastered the technique, but it still seems too much like Palmen's work.

Now I'm guessing Desiree Palmen is the original because her work dates back to 1999 and Liu's work seems to all be dated 2006 and newer. Apparently the Art World is so overpopulated and cluttered, that if you wait 5 or 6 years you can copy someone else's style and no one will notice?

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