Sep 6, 2009

more dreams of end times...

wife #1 © cinemascapist 2009

self #3 © cinemascapist 2009

I'm waiting for a test print from Ken Allen Studios in Brooklyn, but I think these images will be printed smaller in size than the color cinemascapes. I want the viewer to really get into these physically and mentally. By sizing them 24" x 10" viewers will have to get closer to the physical print than my typical 40" wide images. At least the current line of reasoning.


ESfishdoc said...

Like many of my dreams I was looking at these images.... "what is that?" "I can't tell who that is... who is it?.." I was actually moving closer to the screen. I looked at them before I read your description... your diabolical plan is working!

Unknown said...

The Arch one of the, if not the, strongest structure.

retoque fotografico said...

Great series of low light black and white photographs. Great photo blog!

Photo Retouching said...

Thank you for such a well-researched and informative article.

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