Apr 17, 2008

I shot myself again today

"quick change" (click to widen)
part of the 'even darker' series

All this talk and thinking about interpretation has me thinking that perhaps one day I could shoot and produce a "choose your own adventure" fine art photography book? Does anybody remember those books? they were a pretty cool concept to me at age 10. Mine would have no text, just images to choose your path. The book would weigh 10lbs. and probably be the size of a coffee table though?!?! Hmmm.....?


Anonymous said...

...favorites were the "horror" stories which were surprisingly disturbing at that age since I was the one getting maimed based on my choices...this of course made them even cooler somehow. What ever happened to those?

I think regardless Aaron, choose your own Hobson cinemascape or no, the bigger the better for your format/style as far as I am concerned...

Dig the way you have been incoporating windows into your work by the way...just another path/slightly uncorfortable "piece" to explore...and the way they light the scene...incredible stuff man.


Anonymous said...

i wonder what that birds last thoughts were

Unknown said...

Perhaps a book isn't the right format - maybe it needs to be some sort of electronic medium. 30" apple cinema display locked at full screen driven by a mac mini. DLP projector and some sort of pointer to navigate.

you are stuck in a maze of twisty pictures, all alike...